
English is the language of persuasion in a competitive and globalised world, so using English effectively is crucial to business success. In international organisations, operations, marketing, finance and HR functions all require proficiency in English and even domestic industries need people who can communicate confidently using English. An organisation’s reputation increasingly rests on English language skills, whether it is to explain ideas and strategies, to manage change or to market and sell products.

Knowledge into Language

This course stretches participants so that they develop and practise their language skills as far as possible in relevant business and corporate contexts. It is led by highly experienced trainers who ensure that participants develop appropriate language skills. Training is based on formal practice of vocabulary and grammar through reading and listening along with communicative activities such as case studies, structured discussions, role-plays and presentations. Ongoing group and individual feedback is provided throughout.

Case study

An authentic simulation of an authentic business issue. Recorded role plays with language analysis and feedback


  • Improved English language skills in a variety of organisational contexts
  • Increased self- confidence and credibility when using spoken and written English
  • Improved knowledge of formal structure of English
  • Benchmarking your knowledge against other participants in a non-threatening environment

Who Is It For?

Junior and middle managers with responsibility for corporate communications, HR, sales and marketing and operations who wish to improve their practical English language skills in a general business context.


Parts I and II, 60 hours or 30 hours contact intensive and extensive, residential or on-site