
Almost all universities in the English-speaking world are highly international in nature and, while researchers, teaching staff and students alike speak myriad mother tongues, English is the academic and social lingua franca and universities have their own culture, professional language and jargon. When it comes to operating effectively and confidently in English, then, many highly qualified and competent overseas professionals worry that they sometimes fail to communicate credibly with research colleagues and students. Our course has been designed with the support of academics, learning and teaching professionals and language educators and aims at getting participants to function effectively, confidently and credibly in an academic context. The purpose is to build skills and confidence in those areas of academic management and leadership where they are most needed. Tailored training can be provided for research teams.

Knowledge into Language

Using a range of approaches and techniques to exploit and operationalise participants’ skills and knowledge, this course uses formal input, role play, case studies and simulations to enhance language, cross-cultural, communicative and interpersonal skills. Participants will practise listening to authentic native and non-native English speech in research, teaching and management contexts and the use of medical language to communicate with the public. The training options can be varied in order to accommodate some or all of the learning outcomes below:

Case study

A range of role plays, simulations and presentations based on authentic supervision, appraisal, research group meetings, exam boards, faculty and departmental meetings. Feedback on language and communication skills is provided through focused review of recorded role plays.


  • Greater spirit of collegiality and credibility through more effective use of language and communication skills
  • Increased confidence in dealing with colleagues and students.
  • More effective integration and socialisation into the academic and social culture of the UK and/or international HE sector.
  • Benchmarking your skills against and presenting to others in a non-threatening environment

Who Is It For?

University administrators, academic researchers and teachers and senior academic support staff at bands 9 and 10 who do not speak English as their first language but who have a high degree of formal proficiency.


Parts I and II; 30 or 60 Contact hours intensive or extensive, residential or on-site


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