
When it comes to practising medicine or nursing in English, many highly qualified and competent overseas professionals worry that their English hampers their ability to communicate effectively with their patients. Our course has been designed with the support of medical professionals and language educators and aims at effective, confident communication with patients, fellow doctors, managers and other staff.

Knowledge into Language

This course encourages participants to interact in order to develop their communication skills in authentic situations. It is based around the specific needs of the participants and uses a balance of language analysis, case studies, simulations and presentations. Participants develop fluency, language accuracy and self-assurance in professional and wider contexts.


  • Rapid improvement of your general and professional English.
  • Benchmarking of your knowledge against other professionals.
  • Benchmarking of your knowledge against other professionals.
  • Chance to present experience and knowledge
  • Confidence in dealing with patients and management in English

Who Is It For?

  • Overseas medical professionals who need to improve their English
  • Overseas medical professionals who use English regularly in their work
  • Overseas medical professionals who are involved in research in the UK


20 contact hours


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